Areas of Interest
I am not so interested in wise counsel or problem-solving, rather in the on-going exploration of the challenge of being human.
We are complex, multi-faceted beings. I have come to understand that no one system of belief will supply everything. I believe that ultimately therapy is about growing greater capacities for living.
In my work I do not use novel or specific techniques as I believe that there is no substitute for regular direct contact and relational work. I am interested in exploring our personality patterns and how these shape our relationships and how our conditioning – both personal and collective – shows up in the here and now.
I am deeply inspired by the teachings of Michael Eigen and appreciate the seminar groups with Robin Bagai where we study his numerous texts.
I draw from relational theorists from across the globe to inform my work – these include, but are not limited to Philip Bromberg, Stephen Mitchell, Jessica Benjamin, Donna Orange, Jody Messler Davies, Lew Aron, Jeremy Safran and Robert Stolorow.
My study into the integration of the modalities is informed by my on-going work with Michael Soth and Dr Martha Stark – both of whom I have had the pleasure to assist and host at different CPD events
My investigation into structures of oppression including those around race, sex and gender is on-going. I am guided in these by the writings of Foluke Taylor, Resmaa Manakem, Leyla Saad and many others. I am committed to the study of my own unconscious processes in these areas. Recently I have been giving a lot of thought to ‘decolonisation’ and what this might look like in psychotherapy.
My interest in the Dharma (that I understand as Wisdom Teachings) continues to evolve, particularly with the guidance of Lama Rod. For me, these are teachings of liberation.
I will always use the body as a way to connect to myself and I am indebted to the teachings of Vanda Scaravelli and those who follow in her footsteps as well as the wisdom from the field of craniosacral therapy and other body-based enquiries.